It's the first Monday of November...
Which can sometimes make us feel anxious, as if we must have everything together or else we failed the month already. Sound familiar, or is that just what I used to do?
The pressure we can adopt at the start of each month can breed a cycle of stress and the feeling of "not-enoughness" that can be carried throughout the entire month if not checked and rethought.
Every thought you think remains until you rethink it and replace it with new meaning.
This realization helped me analyze my old patterns for I could come up with a solution that solved the issue before it could begin.
The method I used going into this month was building up a habit before the month even started. That way, I cultivated a rhythm to my day, while being in tune with my surrounding enough that if I needed to freestyle a bit, I could. Just be mindful to still stay true to the beat of your own drum as you adapt.
This weekend I allowed myself to flow into the rhythm of the room at a Friendsgiving event and ate way more than I'm used to, which resulting in a day of detoxing and resting. I didn't have the energy to do my full routine I had built, but the urge still came to do something so I did a modified version of my workout, which felt good.
Even when you don't feel like you can do everything you put on your list, just do your best to complete what you can.
Your "best" will change from day to day and that's okay. Check-in with yourself regularly so you can make sure you aren't "overdoing it" to keep pace with someone else. Find your rhythm and flow through your tasks, starting with the ones that will take the most focus first.
Then, you'll see the smaller tasks are usually things you can breeze through or even delegate to someone else. Just know it's not too late to figure out your own rhythm for the month.
Be true to you and you'll find your way through the month in a way that feels good.
Take some time today to do that internal check-in with yourself. What do you want to accomplish this month? What steps will get you there? What do you have the energy for today?
Be honest with yourself, make your list, and then do your best to do what you can. You got this. I believe in you, and if you need a little help with deciding what to focus on, redeem your complimentary Clarity Call.
“Be Blessed. Stay Legendary.”
— Lora Chatman